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letter set 【印刷】文字版面的膠印。

letter sheet

“ on 25 june the financial secretary and i , as monetary authority , exchanged a series of letters setting out the division between the two of us of functions and responsibilities in monetary and financial affairs , “ said mr yam 任志剛表示:于月日,本人以金融管理專員身分,與財政司司長互換列明彼此在貨幣與金融事務上職責分配的函件。

These letters set out among other things the factors which the ma will consider in approving outsourcing proposals submitted by individual institutions 除其他事項外,這兩份通函列載金融管理專員在審批個別認可機構提交的外判工作建議書時所考慮的因素。

The financial secretary and the monetary authority exchange letters setting out the division of functions and responsibilities between the two 財政司司長與金融管理專員互換有關彼此職能與責任分配的函件。

Mr ho prepared a letter setting out the proposed formula and rationales for members consideration 何議員擬備了一份函件,闡述其建議的計算方法及理據,供委員參閱。

Information processing . cmc 7 printed magnetic characters . specifications . digit , symbol and letter sets 信息處理.印制磁性字符.規范.數字符號和字母